Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt

In all of my teaching career, there has not been a prouder moment. Pride for our program. Pride in our students. Pride in our school. Pride in our entire community. Proud in the work that I do.
The smiles and energy that I witnessed and felt throughout this event was unprecedented in my life. I think I could feel my entire body smiling. Each time I saw one of our students push themselves to run after a ball, move back in forth of the field, high five a teammate, and cheer on the sidelines for their teammates the size of my heart grew a bit. Seeing our elementary students cheering and waving their signs throughout the day was a huge piece of encouragement for our athletes. Having the entire school come together for the opening ceremonies shook my world. I am forever grateful to the many people that came together to make this not only possible for our 5 athletes at AC, but also for the 5 other schools in the Quito area. Building this arena for these children was simply one of the most beautiful moments I have experienced.
This video attempts to capture that feeling, but doesn't come close...simply because that would be impossible.