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Stand back...I'm going to try science.

I've arrived at my new international teaching post at the International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL). I know I've signed up to be a "Learning Resource Teacher" in high school. Other than that there aren't many particulars. I have shared with the admin that I've taught HS English before and that I'm a little afraid of math. And BOOM I'm in 10th grade Integrated Science 2 co-teaching. Having a feeling of intimidation is an understatement, but there's a huge advantage in that. Why? My students have the same feeling and now we can truly relate to one another right out of the gate. We've "bonded" (pun intended) in our struggles with balancing chemical equations, understanding the purpose of enzymes in our digestions systems, and the way catalysts decrease the amount of activation energy. In Integrated Science, my students (and I) are truly becoming scientists with the integration of chemistry, biology, and physics. At first I thought, "How are students with learning differences ever going to be able to grasp all this at once?" I'm starting to see how this real-life application allows it all to make some sense, rather than standing alone each topic in their own silo. I'm excited to see where this year will take us and I am going to proudly channel my inner Mrs. Frizzle.

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