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Great things never came from comfort zones

Everyone has that class that gives you a run for your money. The class that makes you take deep breaths just 10 minutes in or is almost always the topic of venting sessions with your coworkers. I have found, more often than not, that these classes become my favorite. One reason this is true is that these are often the places where we can see the most growth. These are the places where a successful day feels like a million bucks. These are the places where you ironically find yourself just a few months in snapping a picture and what's that on your face??? A smile? These are the kids with personality, the kids that you know will be incredibly successful in life even if they don't always write down their homework or edit their essay before they turn it in. They are the kids with personality that will push your buttons, but will also make you laugh out loud during class. I'm not sure if avoiding venting is an option in the teaching profession, but if I could I would start biting my tongue for the first two months of school, because this year the class that pushed me out of my comfort zone in a new school became my favorite with a shared sense of sarcasm and promised honesty. It's November and I miss them already, so I'm taking a moment to pledge to be my best self for them, because they are already showing me how great they are and I know the year will be over before we know it.

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